Puzzle Samples
We currently have over 80 different puzzle formats. Here are some samples of just a few of the puzzles we create. Take a look.
Click on any puzzle image to see the full puzzle.
General Puzzles
Octagram A space-saving octagon puzzle using anagrams
Pyramid Building A puzzle involving interlinking four-letter words
Decagon Another space-saving word puzzle
Cryptic SuperSpiral A new twist on a cryptic puzzle
New Zealand Cryptic A cryptic crossword with a New Zealand flavour to many of the clues
KiwiSpeak A New Zealand-oriented crossword incorporating a typical Kiwi expression
Anagramix A small anagram-based puzzle
Checkerboard A word puzzle based on pairs of four-letter anagrams that must be arranged to form eight-letter words
Missing Tiles The solver must place two-letter tiles correctly to form ten-letter words
Maximatic A space-efficient octagon-shaped puzzle that reveals related sayings, phrases and words
Number Code A maths-based code cracker that can be done by brain power or by calculator
Triagram A triangle-shaped puzzle where solvers must find nine words, revealing two other words on the way
Children’s Puzzles
Junior Crossword A crossword aimed at children 8-11 years old
FunWord A theme-based word puzzle incorporating a hidden mystery word
Mix ‘n’ Match A puzzle based on compound words
Word Search An old favourite
Just For Kids A theme-based puzzle section that includes several small puzzles, jokes and general knowledge questions
Kids’ Quiz Another type of theme-based puzzle page