PuzzleBeetle is the brainchild of Pam Hutton. We are compilers and suppliers of crosswords and puzzles, and have produced a broad range of regular work for publication since 1992.
Our range includes standard crosswords, cryptic crosswords, word searches, code-solving puzzles, word riddlers, number crunchers, an assortment of children’s puzzles, and much more. In all, we currently have over 80 different puzzle formats.
We can create puzzles that are specifically oriented towards the subject matter of magazines or publications. We also create puzzles that have a New Zealand flavour.
To get an idea of the variety of puzzles we produce, check out our puzzles and crosswords.
PuzzleBeetle has created regular crosswords and other puzzles for a broad range of New Zealand and Australian publications over the last twenty plus years. These include the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, TV Guide, Sunday Star-Times, Boating New Zealand, Next, Weekend Gardener, Wilderness, Human Resources Magazine, NetGuide, Handyman, Good Health & Medicine, Kiwi Parent, Animals’ Voice, Homestyle, Investigate, Lifestyle Farmer, Growing Today, Essentially Food, New Zealand Investor, Prime Hamilton, Avondale Mainstreet Magazine, and Grey Power Magazine.
Follow us on Facebook and join in the mind-play madness with free doses of puzzling for fun and mental exercise.
In addition to supplying puzzles to publications, we also publish our own books of mind-benders to meet the needs of puzzle fiends everywhere.
Check out our puzzle and crossword books.
Whether you indulge in puzzle-solving as a sublime solitary pleasure, or whether you prefer to make the challenge a communal effort by pooling the resources of friends and family, the aim is still the same – to stimulate and entertain. So go ahead and give your brain a whirl!
Take a look at some of our samples, and CONTACT us if you would like more information.